Why was the JESUS Film so Successful
“I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for the salvation of men, to all who believe . . . .” Romans 1:16a
Here are some of the key reasons behind the success of this film. It amazes us how God continues to use this tool!
- Ministry is carried out by nationals - The actual ministry of evangelism using the JESUS film is carried out by nationals in their respective country.
- Ownership by the people - The more the field "owns" the ministry, the greater the impact and momentum. We in the west are most effective as peer supporters.
- Follow up - The JESUS Film Project is continually developing and implementing tools and means for follow up. We desire to see churches planted and led by well-equipped pastors in every one of the language groups we reach.
- Truth in their own language - A gospel in the heart language says that Jesus understands me, knows me, and cares about me.
- It effectively reaches the illiterate - The majority of unreached people are illiterate and live within cultures that are oral in tradition, not written like ours. This is why the JESUS film is so effective, because it communicates the gospel in the tradition of story telling.
- The JESUS film does not stand alone - We have over 1,500 partners worldwide. DAWN Ministries have reported that of the 1 million churches planted in the last 10 years, 75% have begun using the JESUS film.
- Lasting Impact - The JESUS film represents the gospel in the language of the people. Once the film is produced it will continue to minister to the people for generations.