Designed for sustainability and multiplication, the team identifies a local church who has a vision for the spiritual needs of those living in the surrounding villages. They then train Church leaders (Action Group), show the film and challenge them to plant a church in a new location.
Six to ten individuals from that local church form an Action Group and are trained to follow-up and disciple new believers. Once the film is shown in the new location, home groups are then formed with the individuals that accept Christ. After eight weeks of discipleship training, the home groups will then join into one group, forming a new church plant with a minimum of 15 adults. They are then challenged to reproduce themselves in at least six months. The JFCPS team then moves to another location to repeat this cycle.This multiplication was not a guaranteed outcome through the coverage strategy, but now tied in with a church planting and discipleship strategy, it’s bearing much fruit for the Kingdom of God.