As of May 2019:
115 church plants,
6,393 people in follow-up,
7,501 decisions to follow Jesus, and
138,526 attended a JESUS Film showing.
Story of Sadome Village
The water well at Sadome had a huge impact on the community. Like so many places we went to in this part of Togo, there is such a desperate need for water. The well was received as a wonderful blessing from God.
The JESUS film was shown in the village in partnership with a mother church and 188 people watched the film, and later the trained Action Group from the mother church were able to lead 27 people through the follow up process. The result was that a new church was planted.
When the asked about the church, they explained that they had built a simple shelter to meet in and the team asked to see it. On the way to the church, they met Koffi, and elder of the village. He was very enthusiastic to show everyone the church.
He shared that he was a Voodoo worshiper and had spent much of his income on sacrifices such as goats and chickens to no avail. When the JESUS film was shown, he realized that Jesus could give him eternal life, something that Voodoo could never do. He decided to become a follower of Jesus that night and has since become a leader in the new church.
Someone from the community has donated a parcel of land, where they are praying that they will be able to build a church with a tin roof.
The team agree to help construct a proper church in the village.