Quotes From the Field
“I received Jesus Christ as personal Saviour today after watching the JESUS film. I used to worship Wakifata and my life was full of drunkenness and addiction. I received Christ because I saw His love for me in the film and I saw the miracles that He did in people’s lives. I have decided to witness and influence others for Him.” - Kanna
“I was following Satan’s way. Today as I saw the JESUS film, it touched my heart especially when Jesus rose from the dead. I want to share what I have got in my heart. I want to testify about Jesus to all.” - Kebele
“I was impressed by the mission of Jesus, His crucifixion, death and resurrection for my sin. I was a Muslim and idol worshiper. Now I am a Christian!” - Wariyo
“My family and I were idol worshippers and under demon possession. The miracles of Jesus raising the dead and His own resurrection moved me to make the decision to follow Jesus. This affects my family and friends.” - Wako
“I was sick and worshipped nothing. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ touched my heart to receive and follow Jesus. My whole family of five received Jesus after seeing the JESUS film.” - Jari
“I am 60 years old. I had no religion. I received Jesus Christ as personal Saviour through the JESUS film. He cast out demons that gave me hope that I will be free from Satan’s oppression. My family of six received Christ together.” - Jillo
“Tonight, after seeing the JESUS film, I was amazed by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I used to be an animist and observed our traditional religion. I sense freedom. I want to witness to others about Christ.” - Halake
A few comments from one of the trainings:
"We are ready now to share our faith"
"Our churches are full and we need to expand to new places"
"I am excited to put this training into practice. Let’s get started!"