As of January 2019:
160 churches have been planted,
3,957 adults in discipleship groups,
6,371 decisions to follow Christ, and
53,226 attended a JESUS film showing.
“Your actions have matched your words,” shares Waqo Alaqhe, the leader for all of the 12 clans. “You promised that you would help us and you have. We trust you and I want to hear more about your God!”
The door was now open for the Gospel.
Their physical needs were being met through the work of Global Aid Network (GAiN) Canada and they were witnessing God’s love through GAiN’s actions.
Villagers were ready to hear more about Jesus now more than ever.
In December 2011, the JESUS Film Church Planting Strategy (JFCPS), came to Gadhamoji and showed the JESUS Film. 1,000 villagers heard the Good News in their own language for the first time. 70 made decisions to follow Christ, resulting in a new church plant. Six months later, this church grew to 250 members who were worshipping weekly.
But the transformation did not stop there!
Since the Gadhamoji Borana are well-respected among the other clans from the surrounding villages, others noticed the changes in their lives. Villagers had been freed from evil spirits and demon possession. People had experienced peace after years of bondage!
As a result, villages that were previously closed to the JFCPS team were now welcoming them with open arms.
“In all my 27 years of ministry, I have never seen such a response to the Gospel and such a movement of the Holy Spirit,” shares Ken Priebe, Director of Church Planting.
The Borana are the most unreached people group in Ethiopia. Most of them are followers of traditional worship called ‘WAQE FETA’, which embraces the worship of trees, rocks and witchcraft, and some are followers of Islam. Yet, people are turning their lives over to Jesus daily.
With such an openness among the Borana, the JFCPS team has decided to double the number of church plants from 24 to 48 in the upcoming year.
This holistic strategy is making an impact on thousands of people in such a short time.
Recognizing that the harvest is plentiful (John 4:35), the JFCPS does not want to miss this moment that the Lord has entrusted to them.
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